Material Data Classification

Data classification is a process of identifying most suitable code & category name for an item by referring to all the available codes and its hierarchies. There are various industry accepted standards available to classification materials, like UNSPSC, eCl@ss, MESC etc.

Benefits of Accurately Classified Data
  • Easy to find and retrieve data
  • Better visibility of the data in terms of various segments
  • Better visibility of Spend by roll-up and drill down analysis
  • Helps to analyse the data for better decision making

UNSPSC is widely used classification system across industries. Most of the companies globally now prefer to classify their Material Masters Data into UNSPSC system.

What is UNSPSC?

The United Nations Standard Products and Services Code® (UNSPSC®), managed by GS1 US™ for the UN Development Programme (UNDP), is an open, global, multi-sector standard for efficient, accurate classification of products and services.  It is a four-level hierarchy coded as an eight-digit code, with an optional fifth level for adding two more digits. The four primary levels of the code are Segment, Family, Class and Commodity.

Below is an Example:


The new version of UNSPSC is being released twice a year with updated codes by taking various inputs from the user community. The current version is having 80396 categories under Commodity level. It is available in 13 languages with various version for each language.